Use pandoc — it's a commandline tool that lets you convert from one format to another. This tool supports Markdown to HTML and back. To generate HTML from Markdown, run: pandoc -f markdown index.html. Convert HTML to Markdown. HTML to Markdown? Isn't Markdown used as a convienient syntax to write and read text for later display in a web browser as HTML (without having to deal with messy HTML tags). It helps to convert your HTML to MD. This tool allows loading the HTML URL to convert. Click on the URL button, Enter URL and Submit. This tool supports loading the HTML File to transform to markdown. Html2md helps you to convert between HTML and markdown format quickly.

  1. Html To Md Converter Tool
  2. Html Tomato Color
  3. Convert Word To Markdown

In the original Markdown spec, John Gruber describes Markdown as 'a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers.'It was designed to be easy to read and easy to write, and it certainly meets those requirements.Compare writing a bold link in HTML:

with Markdown:

The Markdown version has almost 1/3 fewer characters without losing any information.

This ability to generate HTML without writing HTML hasn't gone unnoticed.Since 2004, Markdown has continued to climb in popularity.The Google Trends data for 'markdown' shows impressive growth, especially since 2010:

Markdown tooling has also exploded since 2004, with Markdown parsers in many languages (e.g., Python-Markdown for Python; Marked, Showdown, and markdown-it for JavaScript).At the same time, developers wrote extensions to extend Markdown's original feature set, including an extension to represent HTML tables with Markdown's characteristic user-friendliness.

Markdown Tables

The syntax for describing tables in Markdown was popularized by GitHub in the The GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) Spec.The GFM spec describes tables in Markdown like this:

A table is an arrangement of data with rows and columns, consisting of a single header row, a delimiter row separating the header from the data, and zero or more data rows.

In other words--or in other Markdown--this is what a table looks like following the GFM table spec:

This table is formatted to be easy on the eyes, but not all Markdown tables are.Take a look at the formatting of this table, which is equally compliant but less readable:

This readability issue gets even worse when adding rich content into table data cells:

Composing and editing Markdown tables while keeping them readable is no picnic.Thank goodness there's Table to Markdown!

HTML to Markdown? Isn't Markdown used as a convienient syntax to write and read text for later display in a web browser as HTML (without having to deal with messy HTML tags). Why go the other way? Maybe you need to convert existing HTML pages into the now widely used and convienient Markdown (or CommonMark) format. Hopefully Markdown is now your main working format and you need to convert old content to it. You may need to work with HTML files sent to you, or you have documents in propriety formats that cannot be directly saved in Markdown format (e.g. Microsoft Word files). Finally you may grab nuggets of useful information from the web and want to add them to your Markdown documents, preserving some formatting. Whatever the reason here's some options to convert HTML to Markdown, from online tools to editing the raw HTML.

A Basic HTML Page for Testing


If you want to try some of the following HTML to Markdown conversion options you may need a basic HTML page to test them. There is a simple Hello World! HTML page here. In most browsers bring up the context menu (usually a right click) and select View source or View page source (it can also be accessed via the browser's menu options).

Html To Md Converter Tool

You can now select all or any part of the HTML code and copy it. Usually everything between the body tags is the most interesting. (Ctrl-A then Ctrl-C on Windows will highlight then copy all the HTML.)

Use an Online HTML to Markdown Converter

There is a JavaScript file that will do HTML to Markdown conversion on GitHub. The to-markdown project by Dom Christie has a page that accepts HTML and shows Markdown:

The converted Markdown can be copied and pasted into your documents. Don't forget to save any images or other media from the web that are referenced by the Markdown if you need them. (In most browsers use the context menu to select the option to save an image.)

Online HTML to Markdown Converter Via URL

The website Heck Yes Markdown - uses a PHP HTML to Markdown converter called Markdownify. It will attempt to convert the relevant text at a given URL into Markdown.

Again the Markdown can be copied ready for pasting into your documents and any media files downloaded.


Convert HTML to Markdown Online Via a File Upload

The online Markdown editor supports uploading HTML files. Once uploaded the Markdown is available for further editing and the HTML is shown alongside.

Edit the HTML to Convert it to Markdown

You can of course simply edit the HTML to convert it to Markdown. Any text editor will do, e.g. Notepad in Windows or Notepad++. Use the editors search and replace functionality to speed up the manual conversion process. If the text editor supports regular expression search and replace some creative thinking can be used.

Html Tomato Color

Additional Resources

Convert Word To Markdown

  • Html2text is a Python script that will convert HTML files to Markdown text files.
  • Pandoc is a universal document converter available for most platforms and supports conversion of multiple file types, including HTML to Markdown and Markdown to other formats.
  • Writage is a Microsoft Word plug-in that uses Pandoc to save to a Markdown format text file.