Excel Consulting

Microsoft Excel Consulting Process As more and more businesses leverage Microsoft applications, the demand for Microsoft's consulting services has increased significantly in recent years. Excel is a high-demand application for business and it’s getting more complex, so collaborating and consulting with Excel experts becomes a necessity. From Business: Enaxis Consulting offers an array of strategic counseling services. Founded in 2002, the firm performs business analysis and research for large projects. As expert Excel consultants we provide professional Excel consulting services to business as remote Excel contractors. Our clients are small businesses, large businesses, and everything in between. Welcome to Excel Consulting Pro Our mission is to focus on our clients' needs and provide the best solutions and personalized training available. We teach each client the skills required, for their specific Excel application, to maximize efficiencies and increase profitability.

We offer you the best Excel programming services. Being the most prolific VBA programming consultant in New York, we have a broad range of internet database solutions to provide our clients. Our Excel VBA Programming skills are unmatched as we are the best team to offer you Excel data mining analysis services. If something can be done in Excel, we are the ones you can turn to.

Excel Experts Near Me

Customized Services


Excel Consulting is now available for any business. It doesn’t matter what kind of business you are running, large or small, our expert database consulting services in New York is the answer for you. Depending on your needs and budget, we can work onsite or remotely. We can run the projects while working full or part-time, on an hourly or a project basis.

Do You Face Any of These Challenges?

In case you are faced with any of these challenges, we are here to resolve your problems:

  • - You have to create an Excel macro for a major task
  • - A job that is repetitious in Excel, which takes you hours to complete
  • - You need to convert raw Excel data into Excel format
  • - You need to create an Excel macro so that many people in your company can use it
  • - You are on a tight deadline, and you need the information to be available in the most efficient manner

Our services include but are not limited to database programming, data manipulation, and conversion, reporting, Excel VBA programming, data mining and forecasting and data integration, spreadsheet and database design, customized Excel functions and so on. When it comes to smart Excel Consulting in New York, we are simply the best.

ExcelQ Audit, Tuning and Optimization Solutions

A database is a complex system that has many dynamic parts built into it. These parts are algorithms that establish and run the entire database, defining all the fields and calculations.

MS Access Optimization

If you are experiencing poor reliability (continual corruption and repair), slow performance and/or poor data integrity issues with your MS Access application, Excelq can help! MS Access issues can be caused by a number of factors, including: the complexity of the application, quality of the database schema design, types of data, number of users,

Distributed & Internet Data

Excelq specializes in the design and development of custom, distributed Internet database applications on the standard Microsoft SQL Server/.NET Smart Client platform.

MS Access Migration Options

Excel Consulting Services

If you have exceeded the built-in limitations of MS Access and are experiencing one or more problems slow performance, unreliable data, corruption and error messages are common indicators it may be time to reconfigure your MS Access application, or migrate the MS Access application to more powerful components to fix problems your are having or to meet more demanding business needs.

  • Excel Data Migration Solution

    We Provide the Raw Excel Data Migration Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I practice Excel?1

Through virtual platform of it is possible to do practice for Excel. Virtual platform will provide some instructions on screen and user has to follow those instructions. If user will do any mistake then software will inform that where you have done mistake.

Is there a way to hide the process of executing Excel macros?

When a user turn off Screen Updating, then Excel file would not show all the steps of macro runs. It may help macro to help run faster

What is IF Function in Excel?

IF function is used in excel programming to perform logic test. This function identifies that whether a certain condition is true or not. Outcome will be based on the true or false condition of the IF function.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Code Here
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

What are three report formats available in Excel?

The three report formats that are available in Excel are Compact, Report and Tabular.

What are three repo in Excel?

IF function is used in excel programming to perform logic test. This function identifies that whether a certain condition is true or not. Outcome will be based on the true or false condition of the IF function.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Code Here
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Excel Consulting

Have more questions? call us at 1-855-939-2357 or get in touch

Successful Project




It is very good solution. It has capability to resolve accounting problems easily and quickly. It is user-friendly and easy to use. Excel VBA Programming is an amazing feature to handle database activities, maintain security for information and to do cumbersome calculations.

Excel Consulting Rates

We maximize your return on investment
There are many improvements that can be made to a spreadsheet, but often these don’t yield a return – either in saved labor or increased accuracy. If we don’t think that a proposed project will deliver a tangible benefit to you, we will recommend against it. Visit the Sample Projects page to learn how we have helped dozens of clients.
We focus on results, not our technical skill
Many Excel consultants and Excel programmers focus on all of the technical experience they have with Excel, such as with charting, PivotTables, writing VBA code and creating formulas. While we have over 25 years of experience in all of those areas and more, we think this focus misses the point. We focus on one thing – delivering solutions that save you time and money. If we can’t do that, then all of the technical experience in the world won't matter to you.
We bring a balanced approach to your project
We maximize the return on investment to our clients because we bring a balance of business and technical expertise to our Excel consulting services. We leverage that balance to find the right solution for each unique problem, using the most effective tools that Excel has to offer. Sometimes that solution is a very sophisticated spreadsheet, other times it is a simple spreadsheet. It is always the most cost effective solution available.
We leverage our vast knowledge
Building real world Excel solutions for over 25 years has taught us a lot - taught us a lot about how best to do things and taught us which approaches to avoid. We leverage that accumulation of knowledge with each new client to help us deliver the best solution in the shortest time possible. We are Excel consultants; we are also tireless students of Excel.
We continuously add to our toolkit of solutions
We develop new solutions and devise new approaches with every project. This includes leveraging tools outside of Excel where appropriate, such as integrating with Microsoft Access to manage and analyze large data sets, or accessing Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Outlook to streamline workbook and report distribution. The experience we gain from every past client helps us to develop the best possible solution for every future client.
We won't waste your time
If you aren't sure whether we can help, take a couple of minutes to describe your business needs to us. (Visit the Contact Us page.) We will be able to tell very quickly whether or not we can help, at no cost or obligation. If we don't think we can help or if we think a solution is not cost effective, we'll tell you so. If we think we can help, we'll describe how.
Trust us to be your go-to solution for Excel consulting.