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Mobile App Today! EasyShifts allows you peace of mind. Knowing you always have an up. To date schedule 24/7. Staff Scheduling. EasyShifts is a common sense way to. Let technology improve the life of. The modern healthcare worker. B&M performance shifter cables can be used in most B&M shifters built from 1981 to present. Threaded end and eyelet end For use in all B&M shifters (except Race Shifters).250' 'long Lay' outer Jacket 600 lbs. Pull Strength Properly Clearanced to reduce Backlash.

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Deep Gnome





  • 4Enhancements
  • 5PnP information

Shifters are a basic Eberron race with notable Lycanthropic ancestry. They cannot transform entirely into animals, but can shift parts of their bodies to be animal-like for short periods of time. In DDO, this Shifting has similarities (and statistical connections to) Raging.

Depending on subrace selection, Shifters excel at Defense/Tanking or WIS-based casting.

Racial traits[edit]

  • +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence

Autogranted feat:

  • Shifter Traits: You are considered both a Humanoid and an Animal for the purpose of most spells and effects, such as the Magic Fang spell.

1st Level Racial Feat: Subrace Selector. (Like Aasimar, Shifters select their subrace at level 1, which grants them some specific bonuses and informs which selections they can make in their tree).

  • Beasthide Shifter: Passive: +1 CON. Active: Activate this Shifter ability to shift your form, granting you a +4 Rage bonus to Armor Class and Constitution, a +2 Morale bonus to Fortitude saves, and a -2 penalty to Wisdom. When the form ends, however, you will lose the hit points granted to you by increased Constitution and become fatigued. Your form will last for 30 seconds plus an additional amount of time based on your Constitution. You can prematurely end your form by using the Dismiss Rage feat. This shares charges with Barbarian's Rage feat, and anything that grants bonuses while Raging will grant bonuses with this. Shifting your form in this way prevents Spellcasting.
  • Wildhunt Shifter: Passive: +1 WIS. Activate this Shifter ability to shift your form, granting you a +4 Rage bonus to Wisdom and Dexterity, a +2 Morale bonus to Will saves, and a -2 penalty to Strength. When the form ends, however, you will become fatigued. Your form will last for 30 seconds plus an additional amount of time based on your Constitution. You can prematurely end your form by using the Dismiss Rage feat. This shares charges with Barbarian's Rage feat, and anything that grants bonuses while Raging will grant bonuses with this. Shifting your form in this way prevents Spellcasting.

Shifting is very similar to Barbarian Rage, and as such, it prevents the use of the Precision feat and some defensive stances (stalwart and sacred defender).


Further information: Deity feats
  • Aureon (Quarterstaff): → → →
  • Blood of Vol (Dagger): → → →
  • Olladra (Sickle): Follower of Olladra → Child of Olladra → Luck of Olladra → Beloved of Olladra
  • Onatar (Warhammer): Follower of Onatar → Child of Onatar → Onatar's Forge → Beloved of Onatar
  • Silver Flame (Longbow): Follower of the Silver Flame → Child of the Silver Flame → Silver Flame Exorcism → Beloved of the Silver Flame
  • Sovereign Host (Longsword): Follower of the Sovereign Host → Child of the Sovereign Host → Unyielding Sovereignty → Beloved of the Sovereign Host

Past life feats[edit]

  • 1st - +1 Spot
  • 2nd - +1 Dexterity


Core abilities[edit]

Extra Shifting: +1 Rage uses per rest. (You expend Rage uses to activate your Shifting).
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 1Progression: 0Requires: Character level 1
Ability I: Choose between Constitution, Dexterity, Strength or Wisdom
  • +1 Constitution
  • +1 Dexterity
  • +1 Strength
  • +1 Wisdom
AP Cost: 2Ranks: 1Progression: 0Requires: Character level 4, Extra Shfting
Extra Shifting: +2 Rage uses per rest.
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 1Progression: 0Requires: Character level 7, Ability I
Ability II: Choose between Constitution, Dexterity, Strength or Wisdom
  • +1 Constitution
  • +1 Dexterity
  • +1 Strength
  • +1 Wisdom
AP Cost: 2Ranks: 1Progression: 0Requires: Character level 11, Extra Shifting
Regenerating Shift: +You regenerate 1 Rage use every 90 seconds.
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 1Progression: 0Requires: Character level 16, Ability II

Tier One[edit]

Requires character level 1, 1 AP spent in tree

Brute Fighting: Select between:
  • Brutal Spellcasting: Your damaging spells generate [25/50/75]% more hate than they normally would, making enemies more likely to attack you. Cooldown: 2 seconds
  • Brutal Fighting: Activate this ability to cause your melee attacks to generate [25/50/75]% more hate, making enemies more likely to attack you. Cooldown: 2 seconds
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 3Progression: 1No requirements
Hunt & Track: +[1/2/3] Spot, Listen and Intimidate
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 3Progression: 1No requirements
Extend Shifting: Your Shifting and Barbarian rages last [25/50/75]% longer.
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 3Progression: 1No requirements
Hardy Shifting: +[1/2/3] Constitution while Shifting or Raging.
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 3Progression: 1No requirements
Self-Reliant: +[1/2/3] to Will Saving Throws.
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 3Progression: 1No requirements

Tier Two[edit]

Requires 5 APs spent in tree

Shifted Defenses: Choice determined by your subrace:
  • Shifted Defenses: +[4/8/12] Physical Resistance Rating while Raging. Requires Beasthide Shifter
  • Shifted Senses: +[3/6/10] Spot and +[2/4/6]% Dodge while Raging. Requires Wildhunt Shifter
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 3Progression: 5No requirements
Natural Armor: +[2/4/6] Natural Armor
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 3Progression: 5No requirements
Howl: Choice determined by your subrace:
  • Beasthide Howl: Release a mighty howl, granting nearby allies +2 Action Boost Bonus to PRR and MRR, plus an additional 2 per 5 Character Levels you have for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 60 Seconds. Requires Beasthide Shifter
  • Wildhunt Howl: Release a mighty howl, granting nearby allies +1 Action Boost Bonus to Saving Throws, plus an additional 1 per 10 Character Levels you have for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 60 Seconds. Requires Wildhunt Shifter
AP Cost: 2Ranks: 1Progression: 5No requirements
Magic Fang: Increases the Enhancement Bonus of the target's natural weapon by 1, plus 1 per five caster levels. An item can have only one temporary item enhancement at a time. Only works on players, hirelings, or pets, and only if they are Animals, Vermin, Magical Beasts, Dragons, or Fey. Equipping a new weapon cancels the effect.

Cost: 8 HP

Cooldown: 20 seconds
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 1Progression: 5No requirements
Maul (spell): Melee Attack: Requires an equipped Melee weapon. Make an attack similar to the Druid spell Maul: This attack deals an extra 2(W) to the target, and applies a bleeding effect that deals 1d4 slash damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Striking the target successfully may also intimidate the target based on the player's intimidate skill.

Cost: 2 HP

Cooldown: 18 seconds
AP Cost: 2Ranks: 1Progression: 5No requirements

Tier Three[edit]

Requires 10 APs spent in tree

Empowered by Nature: Choose an effect:
  • Beasthide: +[10/20/30] Positive Healing Amplification. You are now immune to Fatigue, including Fatigue from Shifting. Requires Beasthide Shifter
  • Wildhunt: +[25/50/100] Maximum Spell Points. You can now cast while Raging. You are now immune to Fatigue, including Fatigue from Shifting. Requires Wildhunt Shifter
You are now immune to Fatigue, including Fatigue from Shifting
Note: The casting while raging seems to work for all spells. This includes clickies and wand/scroll casting.
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 3Progression: 10No requirements
Augment Summoning: Grants the Augment Summoning feat: Your summoned creatures, charmed minions, pets, and hirelings have +4 to all ability scores, increased health, and increased fortification. Bug: Does not give Augment Summoning feat.needs verification
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 1Progression: 10No requirements
Stronger Howl: Choose between:
  • Beasthide: When you Howl, nearby enemies take -2 to Attack, minus an additional 2 per per 5 Character Levels you have for 20 seconds. Requires Beasthide Shifter
  • Wildhunt: When you Howl, nearby enemies take -1 to Saving Throws, minus an additional 1 per 5 Character Levels you have for 20 seconds. Requires Wildhunt Shifter
AP Cost: 2Ranks: 1Progression: 10Requires: Howl
Favored Enemy: Choose a Favored Enemy
  • Favored Enemy: Animal
  • Favored Enemy: Fey
  • Favored Enemy: Magical Beast
  • Favored Enemy: Plant
  • Favored Enemy: Reptilian
  • Favored Enemy: Vermin
AP Cost: 2Ranks: 1Progression: 10No requirements

Tier Four[edit]

Requires 15 APs spent in tree

Exceptional Shifting: Choose an effect based on your subrace:
  • Threatening Shift: While raging, +20% to Threat Generation, +5% Quality Bonus to Maximum Hit Points and +10 Physical Resistance Rating. Requires Beasthide Shifter
  • Wild Magic: While raging, gain Lesser Displacement. When you activate a Rage, you gain Temporary Spell Points equal to 5 + double your Character Level. These last for 5 minutes, until you dismiss or activate another rage, or until used. Requires Wildhunt Shifter
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 1Progression: 10No requirements
True Hunter: You gain +2 to Saves vs. Enchantments and Illusions, Freedom of Movement, and +10 to Spot.
AP Cost: 2Ranks: 1Progression: 20No requirements
Howl of Terror: You utter a terrifying howl, filling your foes with a paralyzing fear. Foes around you are paralyzed for 6 to 24 seconds. Will save (18 + Wis Mod + Enchantment bonuses) negates. This can be cast while Raging.

Cost: 45/40/30 SP

Cooldown: 20/15/10 seconds
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 3Progression: 20No requirements

PnP information[edit]

Shifters are often rather warlike and xenophobic, although this is not a rule. They typically live in packs, but loners are not unheard of. They tend to stay away from civilized areas and keep to themselves. They fiercely guard their territory and do not welcome outsiders. They run the gamut from kind-hearted to cruel and ruthless. Shifters usually are 'VERY' good at fighting. Shifters do not enjoy using weapons although if it is necessary they will. A Shifter's favored class is any; this is probably because they are better at attacking with anything they want, and another factor is that they have the 'Change Shape' ability.

Physical Description[edit]


Shifters, also known as the weretouched, are a descendants of lycanthropy-cursed individuals. Shifters are known for their ability to act in a bestial or close to nature manner, doing such things as running on all fours, climbing trees, and fighting with bare claws or teeth. Their sense of smell is also heightened, when compared to humans; but they are suggested to have worse social manners, as a race, because they are used to living 'wild', outside of the villages most people settle in. In terms of genetic derivation, they are commonly thought to be the result of crossbreeding between humans and lycanthropes but have become a true-breeding race and in human form they are anywhere from 5'3' to 6'3'. Their animal form will determine their build. I.E. A falcon will be slender and light, while a bear would be large and muscular. The color of their fur or feathers will also determine the color of their hair and skin color. Their eyes will start at blue when born but can turn purple, green, or yellow as they grow. They will remain the same in their animal form and when they get older they learn how to access their shifting abilities and transform into 'more powerful races.' Their lifespan is about 750 years and reach adult hood at age 50 unless they learn how to control their shifting.


Shifters survive in a wide range of habitats, and can be found in tundra, desert, forest,and cities, But most stick to the woods or mountains where their animal form is plentiful. Also where they live will determine possible animal form. Loners tend to roam where they will, not caring where they are so long as they are on the move. But once a Loner leaves the pack they are not always welcomed back. They are seen as having turned their backs on the pack and shunned.

Further information & references[edit]

Shifter is one of Eberron's races.

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Deep Gnome





  • 4Enhancements
  • 5PnP information

Shifters are a basic Eberron race with notable Lycanthropic ancestry. They cannot transform entirely into animals, but can shift parts of their bodies to be animal-like for short periods of time. In DDO, this Shifting has similarities (and statistical connections to) Raging.

Depending on subrace selection, Shifters excel at Defense/Tanking or WIS-based casting.

Racial traits[edit]

  • +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence

Autogranted feat:

  • Shifter Traits: You are considered both a Humanoid and an Animal for the purpose of most spells and effects, such as the Magic Fang spell.

1st Level Racial Feat: Subrace Selector. (Like Aasimar, Shifters select their subrace at level 1, which grants them some specific bonuses and informs which selections they can make in their tree).

  • Beasthide Shifter: Passive: +1 CON. Active: Activate this Shifter ability to shift your form, granting you a +4 Rage bonus to Armor Class and Constitution, a +2 Morale bonus to Fortitude saves, and a -2 penalty to Wisdom. When the form ends, however, you will lose the hit points granted to you by increased Constitution and become fatigued. Your form will last for 30 seconds plus an additional amount of time based on your Constitution. You can prematurely end your form by using the Dismiss Rage feat. This shares charges with Barbarian's Rage feat, and anything that grants bonuses while Raging will grant bonuses with this. Shifting your form in this way prevents Spellcasting.
  • Wildhunt Shifter: Passive: +1 WIS. Activate this Shifter ability to shift your form, granting you a +4 Rage bonus to Wisdom and Dexterity, a +2 Morale bonus to Will saves, and a -2 penalty to Strength. When the form ends, however, you will become fatigued. Your form will last for 30 seconds plus an additional amount of time based on your Constitution. You can prematurely end your form by using the Dismiss Rage feat. This shares charges with Barbarian's Rage feat, and anything that grants bonuses while Raging will grant bonuses with this. Shifting your form in this way prevents Spellcasting.

Shifting is very similar to Barbarian Rage, and as such, it prevents the use of the Precision feat and some defensive stances (stalwart and sacred defender).


Further information: Deity feats
  • Aureon (Quarterstaff): → → →
  • Blood of Vol (Dagger): → → →
  • Olladra (Sickle): Follower of Olladra → Child of Olladra → Luck of Olladra → Beloved of Olladra
  • Onatar (Warhammer): Follower of Onatar → Child of Onatar → Onatar's Forge → Beloved of Onatar
  • Silver Flame (Longbow): Follower of the Silver Flame → Child of the Silver Flame → Silver Flame Exorcism → Beloved of the Silver Flame
  • Sovereign Host (Longsword): Follower of the Sovereign Host → Child of the Sovereign Host → Unyielding Sovereignty → Beloved of the Sovereign Host

Past life feats[edit]

  • 1st - +1 Spot
  • 2nd - +1 Dexterity


Core abilities[edit]

Extra Shifting: +1 Rage uses per rest. (You expend Rage uses to activate your Shifting).
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 1Progression: 0Requires: Character level 1
Ability I: Choose between Constitution, Dexterity, Strength or Wisdom
  • +1 Constitution
  • +1 Dexterity
  • +1 Strength
  • +1 Wisdom
AP Cost: 2Ranks: 1Progression: 0Requires: Character level 4, Extra Shfting
Extra Shifting: +2 Rage uses per rest.
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 1Progression: 0Requires: Character level 7, Ability I
Ability II: Choose between Constitution, Dexterity, Strength or Wisdom
  • +1 Constitution
  • +1 Dexterity
  • +1 Strength
  • +1 Wisdom
AP Cost: 2Ranks: 1Progression: 0Requires: Character level 11, Extra Shifting
Regenerating Shift: +You regenerate 1 Rage use every 90 seconds.
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 1Progression: 0Requires: Character level 16, Ability II

Tier One[edit]

Requires character level 1, 1 AP spent in tree

Brute Fighting: Select between:
  • Brutal Spellcasting: Your damaging spells generate [25/50/75]% more hate than they normally would, making enemies more likely to attack you. Cooldown: 2 seconds
  • Brutal Fighting: Activate this ability to cause your melee attacks to generate [25/50/75]% more hate, making enemies more likely to attack you. Cooldown: 2 seconds
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 3Progression: 1No requirements
Hunt & Track: +[1/2/3] Spot, Listen and Intimidate
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 3Progression: 1No requirements
Extend Shifting: Your Shifting and Barbarian rages last [25/50/75]% longer.
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 3Progression: 1No requirements
Hardy Shifting: +[1/2/3] Constitution while Shifting or Raging.
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 3Progression: 1No requirements
Self-Reliant: +[1/2/3] to Will Saving Throws.
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 3Progression: 1No requirements

Tier Two[edit]

Requires 5 APs spent in tree

Shifted Defenses: Choice determined by your subrace:
  • Shifted Defenses: +[4/8/12] Physical Resistance Rating while Raging. Requires Beasthide Shifter
  • Shifted Senses: +[3/6/10] Spot and +[2/4/6]% Dodge while Raging. Requires Wildhunt Shifter
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 3Progression: 5No requirements
Natural Armor: +[2/4/6] Natural Armor
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 3Progression: 5No requirements
Howl: Choice determined by your subrace:
  • Beasthide Howl: Release a mighty howl, granting nearby allies +2 Action Boost Bonus to PRR and MRR, plus an additional 2 per 5 Character Levels you have for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 60 Seconds. Requires Beasthide Shifter
  • Wildhunt Howl: Release a mighty howl, granting nearby allies +1 Action Boost Bonus to Saving Throws, plus an additional 1 per 10 Character Levels you have for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 60 Seconds. Requires Wildhunt Shifter
AP Cost: 2Ranks: 1Progression: 5No requirements
Magic Fang: Increases the Enhancement Bonus of the target's natural weapon by 1, plus 1 per five caster levels. An item can have only one temporary item enhancement at a time. Only works on players, hirelings, or pets, and only if they are Animals, Vermin, Magical Beasts, Dragons, or Fey. Equipping a new weapon cancels the effect.

Cost: 8 HP

Cooldown: 20 seconds
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 1Progression: 5No requirements
Maul (spell): Melee Attack: Requires an equipped Melee weapon. Make an attack similar to the Druid spell Maul: This attack deals an extra 2(W) to the target, and applies a bleeding effect that deals 1d4 slash damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Striking the target successfully may also intimidate the target based on the player's intimidate skill.

Cost: 2 HP

Cooldown: 18 seconds
AP Cost: 2Ranks: 1Progression: 5No requirements

Shifted Synonym

Tier Three[edit]

Requires 10 APs spent in tree

Empowered by Nature: Choose an effect:
  • Beasthide: +[10/20/30] Positive Healing Amplification. You are now immune to Fatigue, including Fatigue from Shifting. Requires Beasthide Shifter
  • Wildhunt: +[25/50/100] Maximum Spell Points. You can now cast while Raging. You are now immune to Fatigue, including Fatigue from Shifting. Requires Wildhunt Shifter
You are now immune to Fatigue, including Fatigue from Shifting
Note: The casting while raging seems to work for all spells. This includes clickies and wand/scroll casting.
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 3Progression: 10No requirements
Augment Summoning: Grants the Augment Summoning feat: Your summoned creatures, charmed minions, pets, and hirelings have +4 to all ability scores, increased health, and increased fortification. Bug: Does not give Augment Summoning feat.needs verification
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 1Progression: 10No requirements
Stronger Howl: Choose between:
  • Beasthide: When you Howl, nearby enemies take -2 to Attack, minus an additional 2 per per 5 Character Levels you have for 20 seconds. Requires Beasthide Shifter
  • Wildhunt: When you Howl, nearby enemies take -1 to Saving Throws, minus an additional 1 per 5 Character Levels you have for 20 seconds. Requires Wildhunt Shifter
AP Cost: 2Ranks: 1Progression: 10Requires: Howl
Favored Enemy: Choose a Favored Enemy
  • Favored Enemy: Animal
  • Favored Enemy: Fey
  • Favored Enemy: Magical Beast
  • Favored Enemy: Plant
  • Favored Enemy: Reptilian
  • Favored Enemy: Vermin
AP Cost: 2Ranks: 1Progression: 10No requirements

Tier Four[edit]

Requires 15 APs spent in tree

Exceptional Shifting: Choose an effect based on your subrace:
  • Threatening Shift: While raging, +20% to Threat Generation, +5% Quality Bonus to Maximum Hit Points and +10 Physical Resistance Rating. Requires Beasthide Shifter
  • Wild Magic: While raging, gain Lesser Displacement. When you activate a Rage, you gain Temporary Spell Points equal to 5 + double your Character Level. These last for 5 minutes, until you dismiss or activate another rage, or until used. Requires Wildhunt Shifter
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 1Progression: 10No requirements
True Hunter: You gain +2 to Saves vs. Enchantments and Illusions, Freedom of Movement, and +10 to Spot.
AP Cost: 2Ranks: 1Progression: 20No requirements
Howl of Terror: You utter a terrifying howl, filling your foes with a paralyzing fear. Foes around you are paralyzed for 6 to 24 seconds. Will save (18 + Wis Mod + Enchantment bonuses) negates. This can be cast while Raging.

Cost: 45/40/30 SP

Cooldown: 20/15/10 seconds
AP Cost: 1Ranks: 3Progression: 20No requirements

PnP information[edit]

Shifters are often rather warlike and xenophobic, although this is not a rule. They typically live in packs, but loners are not unheard of. They tend to stay away from civilized areas and keep to themselves. They fiercely guard their territory and do not welcome outsiders. They run the gamut from kind-hearted to cruel and ruthless. Shifters usually are 'VERY' good at fighting. Shifters do not enjoy using weapons although if it is necessary they will. A Shifter's favored class is any; this is probably because they are better at attacking with anything they want, and another factor is that they have the 'Change Shape' ability.

Physical Description[edit]

Shifters, also known as the weretouched, are a descendants of lycanthropy-cursed individuals. Shifters are known for their ability to act in a bestial or close to nature manner, doing such things as running on all fours, climbing trees, and fighting with bare claws or teeth. Their sense of smell is also heightened, when compared to humans; but they are suggested to have worse social manners, as a race, because they are used to living 'wild', outside of the villages most people settle in. In terms of genetic derivation, they are commonly thought to be the result of crossbreeding between humans and lycanthropes but have become a true-breeding race and in human form they are anywhere from 5'3' to 6'3'. Their animal form will determine their build. I.E. A falcon will be slender and light, while a bear would be large and muscular. The color of their fur or feathers will also determine the color of their hair and skin color. Their eyes will start at blue when born but can turn purple, green, or yellow as they grow. They will remain the same in their animal form and when they get older they learn how to access their shifting abilities and transform into 'more powerful races.' Their lifespan is about 750 years and reach adult hood at age 50 unless they learn how to control their shifting.

Shifted Definition


Shifter knobs

Shifter Cable

Shifters survive in a wide range of habitats, and can be found in tundra, desert, forest,and cities, But most stick to the woods or mountains where their animal form is plentiful. Also where they live will determine possible animal form. Loners tend to roam where they will, not caring where they are so long as they are on the move. But once a Loner leaves the pack they are not always welcomed back. They are seen as having turned their backs on the pack and shunned.

Further information & references[edit]

Shifter is one of Eberron's races.

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