XChat Azure

Xchat Azure is a free client and works on Mac 10.6 and up. Azure is comparable to the Hexchat IRC client, including SSL and TOR capabililties. Download X-Chat Azure from the App Store here. Colloquy is a free IRC, SILC and ICB client and tries to maintain Mac OS X interface conventions for ease of use. However, the Gandi root/intermediate certificate thats being used by XChat Azure by default is not being added to Keychain Access of Mac OS X. If we try to enable SSL on XChat Azure it will fail with Connection failed. XChat Aqua/Azure (OS X 10-10.6) XChat Linux Free. Irssi Free (Linux, FreeBSD, Microsoft Windows, and Mac OS X) KVirc Free (Linux, Unix, Mac OS and Windows). Unlike XChat GTK and X-Chat Aqua, XChat Azure do not share the traditional configuration direcotry /.xchat2 because of Mac App Store guideline. So if you want to keep your configuration, you should move it, copy it, or make hard link. Easy to use yet decently feature laden, XChat Azure provides a well rounded way of connecting via the IRC networks on OS X devices.It’s a pretty good IRC client application, and certainly one you should check out if you use a Mac.


Xchat Azure Login

Posted - 06 Jul 2012

Say Goodbye to XChat-WDK, Say Hello to HexChat!


As some of you have already noticed, we’ve changed the name. Why was it required? Why now? Why this name? What’s next? Let me address these.


XChat-WDK started in 2010. Back then XChat itself was alive and kickin’, so XChat-WDK was Windows-only. It was pointless to support Linux, as it was already supported by XChat.

Xchat Azure Cloud

A lot of things have changed since then. XChat is now practically abandoned. There’s only one active committer left, and he’s the maintainer of the Perl interface. In the meanwhile XChat-WDK evolved and instead of just fixing Windows-specific bugs it introduced new features as well. Then it started to make more and more sense to support multiple platforms, not just Windows. Sometime ago I put some effort into making XChat-WDK compile on *nix so now we can say, XChat-WDK is multiplatform.

Xchat Azure Portal


Our original goal was to merge XChat-WDK with XChat, but our previous contact person is simply lost (we haven’t heard of them since new year’s day), and our recent attempt to reach Zed has failed, too. We waited for the xchat.org domain to expire, which was due in June, but the domain was eventually renewed. Apparently Zed wants to keep XChat, so we had no other choice but to create a new project.

But remember, WDK stands for the Windows Driver Kit, so it doesn’t make any sense to use a Windows-specific name for a multiplatform application. The change was necessary.

What does HexChat mean? Well, basically, nothing spectacular, it’s just a name which tries to sound good. HexChat is pronounced and written almost identically as the predecessor, XChat, so it seemed like a good name for a new beginning. Anyway, it means “six” with Greek origins, and Hex is also used in programming. That’s about it.

What does the future hold? Well, we have a lot of work to do! We have to rebrand this thing, introduce some sane release management process (probably starting at something like 2.9.0) so that *nix packagers can actually package HexChat releases for their distros. The repo needs to be cleaned properly. A migration to GitHub is also possible to happen. And if everything goes well, we might as well merge with XChat-Azure, too.

That means one project for Windows, *nix and Mac, folks! Don’t expect these things to happen really fast though. We’re doing our best to bring all these to you as soon as possible. In the meanwhile, just keep chatting. Thanks for your understanding and have a nice day :)

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